Used Auto Parts

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Locate quality used auto parts from salvage yards in the United States and Canada. Select a year and make and then click Go!

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Salvage Yard members can log in here to access their account and review and respond to used auto parts requests.

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Sell Used Parts

Respond to the thousands of used auto parts requests submitted through our sites each month. Sign up now for a free trial and start selling online.

Featured Junk Yard


  Are you looking for a junkyard?

Find Junkyards that sell used parts online. Try searching our database of online junkyards. Just select a region then click search to see if thre are any junkyards near you.

If there aren't any junkyards near you then you can place a request to a nationwide group of junkyards. You'll be sure to get quotes on the parts you need.

Sell Used Parts

  Are you a junkyard, auto dismantler or auto recycer? If so, you can sell used parts online by subscribing to our service. Find out how easy and efficient our service is by trying our service free of charge for five days.

Used Auto Parts

  If you are looking for used auto parts or used truck parts, the junkyards, salvage yards, auto recyclers and auto wreckers that subscribe to's used parts loctator service can find them for you.

The junkyards, auto wreckers, salvage yards and truck recyclers that subscribe to our service carry everything for your car or truck, including used engines, used transmissions, bumpers, fenders, windshields, exhaust manifolds, tail lights and more, all shippable direct to your door. Many even carry new auto parts, used car parts, aftermarket parts, and rebuilt parts for virtually every make and model of vehicle on the road.

Our service will help you save time and money by connecting you to dozens of junkyards, auto recyclers, auto wreckers, salvage yards and junk yards throughout the United States and Canada that sell used truck parts online. You'll find the right used auto parts or used truck parts quickly and easily, guaranteed.

When you submit your request for a used auto part you'll get multiple quotes from our nationwide network of junk yards. And remember, our used auto parts vendors have some of the lowest prices you'll find anywhere.